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Archive for March, 2014

  • How to Motivate Teachers

    How to Motivate Teachers

    How to Motivate Teachers Question: How can we motivate veteran teachers who are resistant to change, to make the shifts required by Common Core and the Danielson Framework?  Listen to […]

  • Redesigned SAT

    Redesigned SAT

    Redesigned SAT   College board President David Coleman announced a redesigned SAT this week. Most notably, it’s going back to 1600 points, and the essay is optional. Not only that, but […]

  • Embracing the Common Core?

    Embracing the Common Core?

    EMBRACING THE COMMON CORE (vs. WAFFLING) I want to talk about the cost of waffling, rather than either rejecting or embracing the common core standards and the assessments based on them.  […]

  • DASA Workshop

    DASA Workshop

    DASA WORKSHOP CITE is now authorized to run a DASA workshop through the College of St. Rose. Right now we have dates for Brooklyn workshops and Oceanside workshops. What is […]

  • Charter School Fight