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Archive for September, 2015

  • SBL Instructor Spotlight – Dr. Ellen Margolin

    SBL Instructor Spotlight – Dr. Ellen Margolin

    My name is Dr. Ellen Margolin and I have been teaching for the St. Rose/CITE SBL Program since the beginning – in fact I was the first professor hired more […]

  • Arne Duncan and What Went Wrong

    Arne Duncan and What Went Wrong

    There’s a fascinating piece on Arne Duncan, the secretary of education, in Politico, of all places. What Duncan Does Well There are some things that Duncan does really well, […]

  • Education News NYC 9/21

    Education News NYC 9/21

    Your Week in Education 9/21/15, By Danielle Bonnici Less Test? The New York Times reports that New York will shorten the Common Core Tests for grades 3-8.  This changed stance is […]

  • Back to School News for Teachers

    Back to School News for Teachers

    Your Week in Education – back to school! Who Says Teachers are Whiny?? Republican Candidate Kasich’s comments about “whiny teachers” who hang out in the “teacher’s lounge” are getting some […]

  • Letter from an SBL Graduate

  • Back to School Teacher Resources