We need evaluation systems in education. Not every teacher is great, just as not every CEO is great, not every plumber is great, not every computer programmer or game designer is great. But the NY Post’s editorial the other day is exactly why the Teachers Union is fighting so hard against the teacher evaluation system proposed in NY.
Here’s what they wrote:
Five years back, the feds bribed New York to beef up its teacher-evaluation system. Take One proved a sham, so Cuomo vowed to craft a new one to “make New York a national leader in holding teachers accountable.”
Oops: That system also flopped, deeming more than nine in 10 teachers “effective” or “highly effective,” even as only 40 percent of lower-grade kids passed standardized tests.
So the Regents this year devised yet another scheme. But even if Round Three works, it can’t prompt the firing of a single rotten teacher ’til it’s in place at least two years.
So the whole purpose of teaching evaluation is to fire teachers? As if that will solve all of our educational problems? As the Post might say, “give me a break.”
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