NYC surveyed parents and teachers about their satisfaction. Full story on the satisfaction survey here.
I was struck by three things.
First, 95% of all parents are satisfied with their children’s education. That number makes me feel…weird. Given all the problems, given the incredible percentage who go through remedial education at a community college level, given all the students who don’t seem to be performing on grade level, how is 95% satisfaction possible? The satisfaction survey had broad participation (there were 950,000 responses from parents, children and teachers combined, so a good chunk of those had to be parents).
Second, teachers are a whole lot happier with this administration than they were with Bloomberg’s chancellors. Duh. Helps if you put in an educator who actually knows something about teaching and offers some empathy for the job they do.
Third, the satisfaction surveys and the city’s evaluation system of schools have actually been redone so that they more closely match the foci of the city’s framework for successful schools (
This is important because this kind of alignment will send a consistent message to everyone and will result in more of the players pulling in the same direction.
What are your thoughts? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter.
Jared Gellert is the executive director of CITE.
CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education . For over 25 years, CITE has and continues to train TEACHERS (Early Childhood, Literacy, Special Ed, Grad Courses, DASA); COUNSELORS (School, Mental Health Masters, Advanced Certificate); and ADMINISTRATORS (SBL, SDL, Public Admin, Online PhD) in all five boroughs of NYC, Yonkers, and Long Island.
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