5 Classroom Management Tips
The Holidays are coming! The Holidays are coming! And Classroom Management gets more challenging — Restless students, the end of a marking period, the chill in the air… the rush of the coming school breaks! It’s enough to make any class of students (and any teacher) fidget, or chatter, or test their constraints.
Veterans sigh and new teachers cringe at the thought of the holiday lead-up. This year, instead of threatening to cancel the Thanksgiving candy party, or yelling “If you don’t stop talking, we will not watch the Grinch!” try these 5 Classroom Management Tips!
1. Use positive narration —
Try this and you’ll be amazed: “Thanks, Michael. He has his book out, and is already reading.” Watch the others snap to it. Wait, it’s not that easy! No it takes time. But switching your focus from what kids are NOT doing, to what they ARE doing is the basis for positive classroom management. Here’s a video that takes you through some great tips!
2. Clear expectations and consistent consequences –
You’ve been doing this all year. Don’t stop now! The key to Classroom Management is consistency. Even in the rush to get work done, maintaining your expectations and holding students (and yourself!) accountable will steady the ship. This ASCD post on Classroom Management has some helpful reminders for teachers and administrators, both new and veteran! http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/sept03/vol61/num01/The-Key-to-Classroom-Management.aspx
3. Follow through! —
If you say it, do it! How often do you hear the teacher in the next room saying things like, “This is the last time you’ll try that!” What a vague threat. Setting limits (“If you get up from your seat, you lose a star on your chart.”) works much better. Classroom management only works if they believe you’re fair and consistent. If you say you’re going to do something based on student behavior, make it reasonable and be prepared to do it! Here’s a smart article on consistency, and why it’s the most fair way to manage your class.
4. Create a variety of communication channels –
Talking to parents is the best way to ensure you’re on the same page. Teachers are using Twitter, a Facebook page, a private network, a class website, texts (basically, if you can name it, there’s a constructive way to use it for your classroom.) Here’s a very creative guide to staying in touch.
5. Ask an expert!
Your school probably has someone you look up to in administration. If not, check in with your mentor from grad school. Mentor teachers are invaluable (or good coaches) since they’ve gone through the same situation in the same place you did! If you can’t find anyone, email the NEA – they respond within 24 hours
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Good luck as we swing into the jingle bell season!
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Tags: behavior, classroom management, expectations, positive discipline