
Cheering teachersWhat We’re Thankful for —

This time of year, it’s humbling to look around and realize just how lucky we are! CITE has been working to train and certify teachers, administrators, and counselors since 1983. And in that time, your successes —  your graduations, your certifications, your masters degrees, your doctorates, your advanced certificates, the jobs you’ve securedhave been our greatest success.

We’re proud to have contributed to your career achievements. They’re what we’re most thankful for, and they’ve been due to the same groups of people since our start.

And since we’re in the thanking mood, here are the people who make CITE thankful:

– in School Administration, School Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, Literacy, Public Administration, Special Ed, Graduate Courses, EdD & PhD in Educational Administration!

We’re thankful for all of the emails we get when students land a job. We love hearing how a certain instructor’s advice rang in your ear during your interview, or while you had to make a tough decision in your new post. We love hearing that you are in communication with your cohort, supporting each other after the program is over. We are happy that your internship and the practical experience you gained with us made a difference in your transition!

CITE Graduate Simi Minhas says, “I’m glad that the course work was rigorous because I felt that I was prepared for the certification exams. I passed them both the first time I took them.” Click here to read more from Simi.

– who work hard to bring the very best practical training to our students.

We hear constantly from students and graduates who echo their instructors. And we can see the level of care our instructors bring to their work. They are invested and proud of the professional success their students achieve. Click here to watch our instructors speak about our students.

CITE Grad Andrew Casale talks about Dr. Hawkins’ one-line education mantras in this post (click to read), including “You need to go slow to go fast.”

Our Partner schools
Alfred University
The College of St. Rose
The Sage Colleges
Concordia University

CITE Graduate David Wicks says, “CITE and the College of St. Rose made it possible for me to enter a career that has allowed me to make a great deal of positive change for students.” Read more from David here.

 Our team! The CITE staff  in Brooklyn and Oceanside
– who stay on top of every request for information, every course registration, every challenge posed by running an operation with as many moving parts as we have! Their experience, patience , and expertise ensure the smooth execution of the million tasks that make up the behind-the-scenes framework for our courses.

Our PLNs (Personal Learning Networks)
– on Facebook, Twitter, EduPLN, EdWeb.net, Tioki, G+, Learnist, TheLearnia
(more on this in a coming post!)

We’ve learned a lot following trending education stories on these social networks. Hashtag chats like #edchat, #nyedchat, #Satchat, #ntchat, #scchat, #educoach, #Edcamp to name a few, have sparked some great questions about managing a school and helped us digest the education news from a  variety of angles.

– For reading our posts, for sharing our information, for recommending friends, for coming back to us for additional certifications, for staying in touch! for  following on Twitter, and engaging on Facebook, for giving us feedback, for supporting your cohort after graduation, for letting us know when you get a job! You make a big difference by sharing your thoughts (and sharing our posts – We’re thankful for that awesome response!).

We appreciate you. We’re thankful for every click, comment, repost. We’re thankful for every info request and course registration. We’re thankful that you tell your friends about CITE.

We hope that you have a happy Thanksgiving!

This week’s most popular post is “5 Classroom Management Tips”


CITE offers courses in School Counseling, Educational Administration, and Teaching Certification, as well as Mental Health Counseling, and Public Administration. We have an Online PhD in Ed Leadership k-12 through Concordia University.


Visit us on Facebook! www.Facebook.com/CtrTeacherEd

Tweet at us! @CtrTeacherEd

Check out our Instructor and Alumni feedback videos at www.youtube.com/CtrTeacherEd



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