
Educational Administration, Educational Leadership, SBL certification

Deana Rinaldi, Assistant Principal, CITE grad

ALUMNI SUCCESS STORY – Educational Administration Program

Deana Rinaldi – Assistant Principal at PS 56, in Richmond Hill

Student January 2011- May 2012 – Administration Program The College of St. Rose in partnership with CITE

We recently got a chance to speak with Deane Rinaldi, a College of St. Rose/CITE grad, and the current Assistant Principal of PS 56 in Richmond Hill.  Thanks for sitting down with us, Deana!

Were you working while taking the CSR/CITE classes?
I was a teacher while in CITE program


Why did you choose the College of St. Rose in partnership with CITE?

affordable, good schedule, and cohort model


Thoughts on the instructors?

Overall experience with the instructors was wonderful. Dr. Hawkins, Dr. DeLuca, and Dr. Higuera were very helpful and knowledgeable while going through the program.


How did the program help prepare you for your current job?

The program assisted my in continuing my education at Dowling College for my Doctorate in Administration, Leadership and Technology. It also assisted me in preparing me for my interview, deciding which job would be a best fit, and knowing what makes a good leader.


What advice would you give someone starting out?

I would advise people to take advice from instructors at CITE and to keep on task with assignments.


Have you recommended the program to friends/ colleagues?

I have recommended the program to multiple people and they have also joined CITE for their leadership certificates.

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All the best to Deana in her new job! Stay up to date with all of your education news, by liking our Facebook page, and following us on Twitter


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