Feedback from our Counseling Graduates

Feedback from our Counseling Graduates

Our Counseling Students Share Feedback

We offer degree programs in Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling, and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Mental Health Counseling.

Experience What These Teachers & Counselors Experienced
Your time is precious. The last thing you want is to waste it on a negative training experience.

To learn about the positive training experience awaiting you in the Alfred University Downstate degree program, simply read what other New York teachers like yourself have to say about our practical, affordable and convenient education solutions.

Best in My Career
“This class was the best experience of my career” ~ Maria C.

Fabulous Class
“This class was fabulous. I learned practical skills that I can and will utilize in the classroom and at home with my own children.” ~ Michelle M.

Excellent Instructor
“The instructor was supportive, knowledgeable, creative in her teaching style, and really cared about the students.”
~ Anonymous

Learned Strategies I’ll Use in My Classroom
“I learned various strategies that I can use in my classroom on how to recognize and handle students with learning disorders.” ~ Alma R.

Re-Inspired My Love of Teaching
“The instructor helped me learn so much in a short period of time, and reminded me of why I love teaching.”
~ Anonymous

Useful Resources
“The professor is very knowledgeable, direct and approachable. The professor provided us with useful resources we can use in the classroom.” ~ Anonymous

Great Experience
“The group experiences were great – very comfortable and respectful – I felt very safe sharing my thoughts.”
~ Nicole G.

“I learned that counseling on a whole is a very exciting career and that there is more to counseling than theories.”
~ Anonymous

Instructor Inspired Me to Be an Amazing Teacher
“The instructor is very knowledgeable and willing to help any student. He really made me want to be an amazing teacher.” ~ Nicole M.

Hands-On and Focused
“The course was very hands-on and focused on counseling issues in New York City.” ~ Anonymous

Practical & Easy to Apply
“The course was practical, concise, and presented in a manner that ensures a high level of retention.” ~ Anonymous

Outstanding Professor
“Outstanding professor! He kept my attention and easily related concepts to the classroom. I was borderline with my decision to be an educator, and now I know I am making the right choice.” ~ Mary P.

Focused on Personal Strengths
“In this course, I was able to explore myself in the role of a counselor and examine my strengths as a person.”
~ Anonymous

Don’t Wait. Complete Your Master’s Degree and Further Your Career in Education Now
Call us toll free at 1-877-922-2483 today to further your education career with a  Master’s in School Counseling , Certificate of Advanced Study, or Master’s in Mental Health Counseling

Feedback is always welcome! For updates, to talk to us, and to network with your fellow Counselors, Admins, and Teachers follow us on Facebook (click here) and Twitter (click here).

Click to download our brochure for Mental Health Counseling and the Advanced Certificate

Click to download our brochure for Mental Health Counseling and the Advanced Certificate

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Masters in School Counseling

Click to download our brochure for our Masters in School Counseling program

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