How Does CTLE Approved Professional Development Work?

CITE provides CTLE Approved Professional Development in NYC schools. This post is taken from a conversation with Joseph Maiello, Professional Development coordinator with CITE.


How does the process work?

Sometimes, when we start with a school, they want professional development, but don’t know what the options are. Here’s the best way to think about that: 

We’re an extension of the principal as it relates to supporting staff and developing best practices.

So, we’ll ask questions at the outset. The purpose of the beginning is for us to get an understanding of what needs you’ve identified as an educational leader in the school: is it a grade, a curriculum area, English Language Learning best practices, students with disabilities, pedagogy, infrastructure, lesson planning, questions, data analysis, — when I walk out of my conversation with you, I have a real understanding of what you’re interested in. I reach out and make a match with a facilitator. They call, to have further discussion and customize what it will be and when it’ll happen. I call the facilitator and say, “I was at this school, they’re interested in four workshops on questioning, and he wants you to follow it up with 10 hours of support in the classroom.”

What’s the best model for CTLE Approved Professional Development?

The best model is the workshop plus the followup. Along with that, the Principal is strongly encouraged to be a part of the workshop experience. When you’re going in and out of the classrooms, as a Principal, you should know what they heard and saw, so that you can say, “Hey remember yesterday, when they were talking about multiple questions?” You can help them refer back.

We follow up, in addition to you. We ask at the end of that visit to sit in on a common prep with the teachers and we talk about what we saw, what worked, what needs more work, and what the next steps will be — when I come back the following week, what are we looking at? 

We build a sense of ownership, and we debrief with the Principal: “here’s what we saw, spoke about, next steps, I’ll come back and….” So, we keep the principal in the loop, with the teachers involved. Most of our facilitators are firm, but warm. Teachers look forward to us coming back. They ask when we’re coming back.

So, how do the teachers get CTLE credit?

We do the workshop then in the school and the Principal and staff get the credits for CTLE. That’s it.

To find out more about our CTLE Approved Professional Development, give us a call.

Joe Maiello: 1-917-843-9221

Carl Sanfilippo: 1-516-817-8435

Matt Zagami: 1-516-426-2786

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CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education. For over 25 years, CITE has and continues to train TEACHERS (Early ChildhoodProfessional CertificationSpecial Ed,Grad CoursesBilingual coursesDASA); COUNSELORS (SchoolMental Health MastersAdvanced Certificate); and ADMINISTRATORS (SBLSDLPublic AdminDoctorate) in all five boroughs of NYC, Yonkers, Westchester, and Long Island.

CITE PD offers CTLE-approved in-school professional development tailored to your school’s needs and your vision. Info:

We now also offer an undergraduate degree completion program in psychology.