You need certification to teach, but sometimes it can be confusing to figure out which classes will get you the right certification. We offer programs to help you get initial certification, professional certification, special ed certification, and administrative certification.

How do I get teacher certification in NY? What about counselor or administrator certification? Here’s a quick rundown.

Do you have initial certification? Then you’re looking for professional certification. No initial certification? You need both.

If you have INITIAL certification, click here. If you have NO certification, click here.

Are you permanently certified and just need Special Ed certification? You can take a series of courses to satisfy that requirement. Call us and we’ll talk you through it 718-923-9333.

 Take courses for Special Ed certification, click here.

Are you a Spanish speaker looking for bilingual Spanish / English teacher certification? You can take a series of courses to satisfy that requirement. 

 Take courses for bilingual Spanish certification, click here.

Do you need Permanent School Counselor certification? You can take these four courses.

 Take courses for permanent school counselor certification, click here.

Are you looking to get your Administrative Degree? To be an Assistant Principal or Principal, you need your SBL Certification. 

For SBL certification, click here.

Hopefully that helps! If you have any questions, please call us at 718-923-9333.