June Teacher Tips:
You can see it coming. Summer <insert: sound of angels singing>.
You’re almost there! Here are 6 Teacher Tips to ensure you have a strong finish to a great year.
(1) Pretend it’s not the end. School may be winding down but instruction is just as important in June as September. Remember, stay focused and stay planned. It will make your life easier in the long run.
(2) Get a calendar and write down all due dates. When students are overwhelmed when reading a long passage or a big word, we tell them to “chunk it’. Look at your tasks and “chunk them”. Set deadlines for yourself and add them to the calendar. You may want to include personal commitments on this calendar so you don’t have to reference so many places.
(3) Schedules tend to get crazy in June. Keep your sense of humor and drink lots of water.
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(4) Start planning something restful for the summer. Remember “a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” (Ovid)
(5) When cleaning out your classroom make sure you shred any paper that has student names or any other identifying information. Don’t just throw it in the trash!
(6) Congratulate yourself on completing another year of this most important work.
Tags: classroom management, discipline, june, summer, teacher tips