
Teacher Evaluations

John King and teacher Evaluations

New Teacher Evaluations – 1st look

The controversial Teacher Evaluations are here. This is the first time we’re seeing evaluations from the new system. NY Ed Commissioner John King is releasing the evaluations today, and there will be plenty of story-lines floating. For now, we have ears on the ground and some context for you! Jessica Bakeman, from Politico’s NY branch, Capital NY, is on the scene. We’re also providing some info on data-driven evaluations.


Jessica Bakeman@jessicabakeman (@capitalnewyork)

“Composite results for teachers overall: 50% highly effective, 42% effective, 4% developing, 1% ineffective.” Follow Jessica Bakeman on Twitter for more as this develops. We’ll post updates here.


Bruce D Baker (@schlfinance101) takes a (pretty ed-wonk) finance-based look at the teacher evaluation model and finds some surprising results.



Andy Hargreaves and Henry Braun at the Washington Post have this post on using data to hold people accountable, in which they take on the very notions of accountability and improvement. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2013/10/22/six-principles-for-using-data-to-hold-people-accountable/


As for tying the evaluations to the Common Core, John King says (@JohnKingNYSED): “Initial data reinforce that APPR not designed as a “gotcha system” & growth scores didn’t change after Common Core exams”


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