Resources for Teaching Literacy in Kindergarten
This question came to us from a NYC teacher, and it was such a good one that I wanted to share it with you:
What are some strategies for teaching literacy in kindergarten? (specifics, please)
We’re happy to help! I’m going to look quickly at Balanced Literacy (which was specifically referenced in the teacher’s question), and then move on to CCSS-aligned lessons.
That’s right, this is a list of places to get activities that are already aligned to the Common Core Literacy Standards. I’ll get to that in a second. Hang in there.
Ok, first, to address the question directly. Here are two teachers who show what balanced literacy looks like in their classroom. The first talks us through Shared Reading, a critical component. The second gives an overall picture. These are quick reads.
What does Balanced Reading look like in kindergarten?
How can I find templates for Literacy Workstations?
What if I like to get my info in cute sayings in squares?
If you’re on Pinterest (We are! CLICK HERE to follow us) check out this board which is full of Common Core ideas for Kindergarten. I’m a visual learner, so this sparks loads of activities for me! Let me know what you think.
Common Core Aligned Activities!
Ok, now the moment you’ve all been waiting for: CCSS-aligned activities. Teaching Literacy in Kindergarten, using activities that are already aligned to the Common Core standards. These are from the Florida Center for Reading Research –
They’ve made an easy-to-navigate site listing activities that you can download and use in the classroom. And they’re already aligned to the standards! The grid they’ve set up allows you to click on a pdf’s name and check it out. This is SUCH A TIME SAVER!
Common Core-aligned activities by standard
Reading foundational skills: click for activities
Reading Literary Text: click for activities
Reading for information: click for activities
Language: click for activities
Writing, Speaking, Listening: click for activities
What other resources have you found for CCSS-aligned lessons? Let us know on our Facebook Page. Post them up there or on Twitter.
Here is a video highlighting Literacy strategies for Kindergarten.
Professional Development for teaching Literacy in Kindergarten
And for those Administrators out there:
NY State’s Common Core website includes professional development resources, like this kit for PreK-grade 2
While this would be an overwhelming amount of information for a classroom teacher, since it deals with multi-grade units and is designed for a multi-day Professional Development seminar, it may be a good site for literacy coaches or Administrators to check out, for use in their own PD.
CITE and Alfred University offer a Masters in Literacy. Click on the photo below for more information.
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Tags: activities, ccss, common core, kindergarten, lessons, literacy, professional development