We’re always proud to showcase alumni success! We spoke with Joseph Williams, the new Assistant Principal of Pupil Personnel Services at Edward R. Murrow High School. Joseph graduated from the College of St. Rose / CITE School Building Leader program.
What is your name and your new position?
Joseph J. Williams, Assistant Principal, Pupil Personnel Services- Edward R. Murrow High School.
When did you start this position?
I started as the Interim Acting Assistant Principal in August 2016. I was then appointed to the position in October 2016.
Which program and cohort did you take with CITE/ St. Rose?
Cohort 42 and I completed school building leader, district leader and the masters degree in school administration with CITE/The college of St.Rose.
Why did you decide to take a school building leader program?
I wanted to become a school leader and have a say in school building process and procedure. I wanted to use my experience to address issues on a school wide level as well as a local community level.
Why did you choose the CITE/ St. Rose program?
A friend recommended the program to me. She also obtained an assistant principal position after completing the program. The tuition was reasonable and schedule was perfect for me. My wife and I had our first daughter just before I started the program. We had our second daughter near the end of the program-the class schedule and flexibility was a great fit for me (the four of us).
What are your day-to-day duties as AP for Pupil Personnel Services?
That depends on the type of day we are having… Some days I am in communication with the APs of Supervision, working on academic issues and challenges our students are facing or programming issues the school is facing. Other days I am working with other AP admins on school wide safety, programming and budgetary issues. Overall I’d say my job involves a ton of communication and collaboration. If that’s not something you like, this position isn’t for you…
What is one thing your school focuses on with regards to the school community/ culture?
We focus on trying to keep a “family feel” to the building. We communicate with all departments constantly and include the students in the decision making process.
How did the CITE/ St. Rose program prepare you for the daily work of your job?
The instructors I had were seasoned veterans when it came to educational leadership. Their insight and expertise gave me an honest look at challenges I would face as well as important steps I should take professionally.
Tell us about your C-30 experience. In what way did the CITE/ St. Rose program prepare you?
The assignments our instructors gave us helped greatly. On a C-30 You have to be able to respond and include your plan of action from a variety of angles. The answers should be focused but inclusive. The St. Rose Program helped greatly by having us rehearse plans of action, ethical considerations and involvement of all stakeholders. I must have said stakeholders a dozen times on my C-30….
What goals do you have as you look ahead to growing as an educational leader?
To continue to learn and become more proficient at this position.
Is there any advice you have for current SBL students?
Complete the reading assignments and you will have no problem with the exams. Complete the readings and you will be able to respond to questions on your interviews, C-30s and Level 2s. Do the readings and you will be an active educational leader in your schools and children will succeed.
Congratulations to Joseph on his new position! If you are a College of St. Rose/ CITE SBL grad with a new job, let us know!
CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education . For over 25 years, CITE has and continues to train TEACHERS (Early Childhood, Professional Certification, Special Ed,Grad Courses, Bilingual courses, DASA); COUNSELORS (School, Mental Health Masters, Advanced Certificate, Social Work CEUs); and ADMINISTRATORS (SBL, SDL, Public Admin) in all five boroughs of NYC, Yonkers, Westchester, and Long Island.
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