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Post Tagged with: "AFT"

  • The Next NYC Schools Chancellor?

    The Next NYC Schools Chancellor?

    The Next NYC Schools Chancellor? Bill de Blasio said that the School Chancellor might be his most important pick: “I think by definition, education chancellor is one of the most […]

  • Ed Reform and School Choice

    Ed Reform and School Choice

    9-23-13 NEW DIANE RAVITCH BOOK Thoughts by Jared Gellert: There’s a new Diane Ravitch book coming out with some interesting arguments.  Her core thesis, according to her, is “the […]

  • Bennett at a news conference

    Bennett Resignation Many Angles

    8-5-13 The Bennett Resignation From Many Angles   Last week, Tony Bennett (not the singer) stepped down as the commissioner of Florida schools. He was also the former head of […]
