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Post Tagged with: "charter schools"

  • Charter School Fight

    Charter School Fight

    The Charter School Fight As he promised in his campaign, Mayor De Blasio has taken on the Charter Schools, in particular on the issue of co-locations. You can see our […]

  • What does De Blasio’s Win Mean for NYC Schools

    What does De Blasio’s Win Mean for NYC Schools

    11-6-13 News Roundup: What does De Blasio’s victory mean for NYC Schools? NYC’s Mayor is Bill De Blasio. Chris Christie yelling at a teacher did not stop his own historic […]

  • Ed Reform and School Choice

    Ed Reform and School Choice

    9-23-13 NEW DIANE RAVITCH BOOK Thoughts by Jared Gellert: There’s a new Diane Ravitch book coming out with some interesting arguments.  Her core thesis, according to her, is “the […]

  • Bennett at a news conference

    Bennett Resignation Many Angles

    8-5-13 The Bennett Resignation From Many Angles   Last week, Tony Bennett (not the singer) stepped down as the commissioner of Florida schools. He was also the former head of […]
