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Post Tagged with: "school choice"

  • UFT Protest: Charter School Fight

    UFT Protest: Charter School Fight

    UFT Protest is about “vouchers” – The Charter Fight Heats Up Last week, the State Senate passed a budget resolution that would undermine the Mayor’s Pre-K bid, and would take […]

  • Election Day, Common Core, School Choice

    Election Day, Common Core, School Choice

    11-5-13 Election Day News Roundup NYC Public Schools are closed and NYCASP Parking rules are suspended today! Let the kids park wherever they want!* *Don’t let kids drive. If you […]

  • Ed Reform and School Choice

    Ed Reform and School Choice

    9-23-13 NEW DIANE RAVITCH BOOK Thoughts by Jared Gellert: There’s a new Diane Ravitch book coming out with some interesting arguments.  Her core thesis, according to her, is “the […]
