NYC DOE Salary Steps and Differentials: Salary Increments

Teachers can earn up to an additional $6,000 per year, by completing 30 graduate credits above your masters degree.

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There are two types of salary increments:

What's your Question-Salary Steps

A salary step is an incremental increase in salary based on previous qualifying professional experience. Click to learn more about salary steps.

Salary Differentials

A salary differential is an incremental increase in salary based on academic credit, coursework, or degrees earned. Click to learn more about salary differentials.

Salary Step vs Salary Differential

When you apply to work at the Department of Education, or are hired, you can apply for a salary step, which is credit for previous related work. 

When you’ve been teaching, and earn additional credits, and/or additional certification, you’re eligible for a different increase in salary. This increase in salary is known as a salary differential.

iStock_000037409688SmallWho can get a salary differential?

You may apply for a salary differential once you have a Bachelor’s degree + 30 credits and then again with a Master’s degree + 30 credits. There are other circumstances, as well, and they are all available here. 

Salary differential credit is not granted automatically. If you think you are eligible, you must submit a salary differential application. 

How much more will I get?

Here is the breakdown by degree and credits

Here is the salary Schedule

Basically, it says that Certified Teachers can earn up to an additional $6,013 per year, by completing 30 graduate credits above your masters degree.

Sign up now for graduate courses
through the College of St. Rose
in convenient NYC locations.
$745 for 3 credits.
Earn 45 CTLE hours per 3 credit course.
Info here

How do I read that? 

How to Read a Salary Schedule

Listed vertically down the left-hand side of the schedule are salary steps. An employee will move one step for each semester of satisfactory service.

Listed horizontally across the top of each salary schedule are the salary differentials. An employee is eligible to move horizontally across the schedule as s/he increases her/his level of learning. Note that the second-from-the-left column on each schedule is labeled “base”. This column represents the salary of an employee who has not yet earned a salary differential.  More here

But again, it says that Certified Teachers can earn up to an additional $6,013 per year, by completing 30 graduate credits above your masters degree.

Get your Special Ed Certification. Click to find out how.

Get your Special Ed Certification. Click to find out how.

Special Education Certification

I have my Masters, and I’m certified. How can I get an additional Special Ed Certification?

If you are interested in a special education certification, these courses allow you to build an independent pathway to certification.

The College of Saint Rose is NYSED approved to provide these courses. 

CITE, in partnership with the College of Saint Rose, offers graduate courses at $745 for 3 credits. The courses are designed for working professionals, on weekends and school breaks, conveniently located in all five boroughs of NYC.

Our partnership with the College of Saint Rose allows us to offer courses that satisfy the requirements for salary increments. In addition to taking courses ad hoc, certified teachers may earn your Special Education Certification through the individual pathway by taking these graduate courses and applying for your certification. 

Who makes the rules about Teacher Salary Steps and Differentials?

Salary increments for teachers and teacher-line staff (guidance counselors, schools secretaries, laboratory specialists, psychologists, and social workers) in the New York City public schools are governed by the Department of Education’s collective bargaining agreement with the United Federation of Teachers.

Chancellor’s Regulations C-500 and C-545 outline the rules for salary credit. These regulations are available in all schools.

Whom do I contact if I have additional questions about salary steps?

For additional questions about salary steps, please contact HR Connect at (718) 935-4000.

More information and state application 

Special Education job application links 

About CITE and the College of St. Rose

CITE, in partnership with the College of Saint Rose, offers graduate courses at $745 for 3 credits. The courses are designed for working professionals, on weekends and school breaks, conveniently located in Brooklyn and Oceanside.

Our partnership with the College of Saint Rose allows us to offer courses that satisfy the requirements for salary increments. In addition to taking courses ad hoc, certified teachers may earn your Special Education Certification through the individual pathway by taking these graduate courses and applying for your certification.


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