UFT Conference

uft conference

Chancellor Carmen Farina will be the Town Hall speaker at this year’s UFT Spring Education Conference on Sat., April 26. There will be workshops to educate and inspire you, an exhibitors’ hall and a gala luncheon.

There is still time to register for the union’s major education event of the year. See the flier: http://www.uft.org/files/spring-education-conference.pdf  #uftspring 

WHEN: Saturday, April 26

WHERE: NY Hilton Hotel

COST: $50 per person

TIME: 7:30 am breakfast – 3 pm.

Tweet: http://ctt.ec/ELwWm+ Chancellor Farina is the town hall speaker at the @UFT conference. Info via @ctrteachered
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The Featured Town Hall Speaker is Chancellor Farina 

Sessions include: 

  • Photo Patrick Wall

    Photo Patrick Wall

    Digital Tools for Instruction

  • Practitioner-developed and student-focused performance assessments
  • making, managing, refining school program partnerships
  • Building a comprehensive Early Childhood foundation
  • using Apple technology to transform classroom Learning
  • Institute for understanding behavior: Sharing successful practices


Registration is $50

Deadline is April 11

 download the flyer here: http://www.uft.org/files/spring-education-conference.pdf

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Tweet: http://ctt.ec/ELwWm+ Chancellor Farina is the town hall speaker at the @UFT conference. Info via @ctrteachered

You might also enjoy our most popular post, NYC Teachers’ Contract Talks: https://dev.citeonline.com/nyc-teacher-contract-talks/ 


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