lesson1-121013-bkst-4039UFT Wins Lesson Plan Grievance

Just in: The UFT has announced that an independent arbitrator has ruled in the lesson plan grievance. Administrators can no longer mandate the content of a lesson plan.
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From the UFT:

In a resounding win for teacher professionalism and teacher voice, an arbitrator has ruled that “lesson plans are for the personal use of the teacher” and that principals may not “mandate specific elements of lesson plans.”

UFT President Michael Mulgrew said the ruling validated what the union has insisted throughout the yearlong arbitration hearings: “You as the teacher should decide what information you need to write down in order to teach a particular lesson.

While arbitrator Deborah Gaines acknowledged that written lesson plans are required of all teachers, she specifically noted that “the specifics of the plan will be left to the professional judgment of the teacher.

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Read the full article here: http://www.uft.org/news/uft-wins-lesson-plan-grievance

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