News Roundup: What does De Blasio’s victory mean for NYC Schools?
NYC’s Mayor is Bill De Blasio. Chris Christie yelling at a teacher did not stop his own historic win. Is Randi Weingarten your next chancellor? All this and more! Here’s a news roundup for all of your morning-after election reading.
The Mayor, a profile.
Who is Bill DeBlasio? The NY Times profiles him, and includes 6 questions for use in classes (non-fiction close reading, anyone? Thanks for the Common Core Alignment, NYT!).
Education News (@Edjumicated) | |
11/6/13, 7:51 AMThe Learning Network Blog: 6 Q’s About the News | The New Mayor of New York City nyti.ms/1ek1wWT |
Charter Schools and the next Chancellor
Gotham Schools posts an awesome selection of articles here, including some good reporting on Charter Schools sentiment, and discussing Randi Weingarten’s chances of heading the NYC Schools as chancellor.
GothamSchools (@gothamschools) | |
11/6/13, 7:19 AMRise & Shine: De Blasio election begins new era for city schools bit.ly/1dN59Sk |
Wealthy schools get more money
The Times also published a report today about the disparity in public schools funding according to income – finding that affluent student populations get more money.
Education Law Center (@EdLawCenter) | |
11/6/13, 6:42 AMNYT: in funding US public education, big disparities persist, giving wealthy advantage nytimes.com/2013/11/06/bus… |
Yasmeen Khan (@yasmeenkhan for @WNYC‘s @Schoolbook) writes about De Blasio’s transitions team, saying “glimmers of his education agenda emerge.” www.wnyc.org/story/what-education-under-mayor-de-blasio-might-look
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Tags: chancellor, charter schools, Christie, common core, de Blasio, funding, inequality, mayor, Randi Weingarten