Four Writing Tips for Grad Students

Writing Tips for Grad Students

If you’re in a Master’s Program or taking a graduate course, you need to write papers. You might be researching a topic, writing anecdotal observations, or compiling your notes from lectures. Maybe you’re making an argument based on several sources. In any case, you’re going to need to be clear and concise. Here are four writing tips for grad students, to write stronger papers.

Four Writing Tips for Grad Students

  1. Thesis papers must always start with a thesis statement. A Thesis statement is the central idea of your writing piece. It can be a restatement of the assignment or an introductory sentence that gives the reader a general idea of what your paper is going to be about. Furthermore, it should consist of numerous topic sentences that will be elaborated on in the following paragraphs.

    four writing tips for grad students

    Start with a Strong Thesis Statement!

  2. Use a variety of transitional words to connect your details, facts, examples, citations, etc. to make your writing flow and sound more interesting. For instance, consequently, more importantly, Another key point, etc.

    four writing tips for grad students

    Use transition words to connect your thoughts!

  3. Be sure to work through the process of writing, which is planning, drafting, editing, revising, and publishing. Every great writer goes through the process!

    four writing tips for grad students

    Plan, draft, proofread, revise!

  4. Stick to the topic!!! Adding unnecessary points will muddy your argument. No matter how strong your case is, if you add irrelevant data, you water it down. Make sure that each piece of information you use supports or elaborates on your main point.


four writing tips for grad students

Stick to the topic!


Cheryl Washington tutors students in writing for all Alfred Programs. She also teaches the Capstone Course for the Masters in Public Administration program given in partnership with Alfred University and CITE, which meets weekly on Thursday nights.  


There are so many more writing tips!

For further reading, check out Daily writing tips

Also “writing tips from the masters”

And these handouts from UNC     


For information on our Alfred Programs, click on the program name: Teaching Certification, Masters in Public Administration, Counseling Certification


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